صحة الموظف

صحة الموظف
Transdermal Optical Imaging for Employee Health

It all starts with Physiologic Data - Vital Signs Monitor

Collect Vital Sign Data within your HR employee health app or portal.

جمع البيانات في الوقت المناسب

Web Version Available

    Have a web portal or HR system that your employees use for check ins - integrate our SDK for WEB in a matter of days.

99% plus customer satisfaction.

Corporate health plans offer a number of benefits for employees and employers, including:

  • Financial protection: Corporate health plans can help to protect employees from the financial burden of unexpected medical expenses. This can be especially helpful for employees who have high deductibles or copays.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that they have access to quality healthcare can give employees peace of mind. This can help them to focus on their work and be more productive.
  • Access to preventive care: Corporate health plans often cover preventive care, such as annual physicals and vaccinations. This can help employees to stay healthy and avoid more serious health problems down the road.
  • Access to specialized care: Corporate health plans may also cover specialized care, such as mental health services or fertility treatments. This can help employees to get the care they need to live their best lives.
  • Wellness programs: Many corporate health plans offer wellness programs that can help employees to improve their overall health. These programs may offer discounts on gym memberships, healthy foods, or smoking cessation programs.

In addition to these benefits, corporate health plans can also help to attract and retain top talent. Employees are more likely to choose to work for a company that offers comprehensive health insurance benefits.

فيما يلي بعض الفوائد المحددة لصحة الشركات للموظفين

  • Reduced stress: When employees have access to quality healthcare, they are less likely to worry about their health. This can lead to reduced stress levels, which can improve overall well-being.
  • Improved productivity: When employees are healthy, they are more likely to be productive at work. This can lead to increased productivity for the company.
  • Increased morale: Employees who feel valued by their employer are more likely to be happy and motivated at work. This can lead to increased morale and productivity.
  • Reduced absenteeism: When employees are healthy, they are less likely to miss work due to illness. This can lead to reduced absenteeism and increased productivity for the company.

Overall, corporate health plans can offer a number of benefits for employees. These benefits can improve health, productivity, and morale.

Employer Benefits

Here are some of the specific benefits of corporate health programs for employers:

  • خفض تكاليف الرعاية الصحية: Corporate health programs can help to reduce healthcare costs for both employers and employees. This is because corporate health programs typically have lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs than individual health insurance plans. According to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, employers with wellness programs save an average of $583 per employee per year in healthcare costs.
  • Increased productivity: When employees are healthy, they are more likely to be productive at work. This can lead to increased productivity for the company. A study by the University of Michigan found that employees who participated in a wellness program were 13% more productive than those who did not participate.
  • Reduced absenteeism: When employees are healthy, they are less likely to miss work due to illness. This can lead to reduced absenteeism and increased productivity for the company. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that companies with wellness programs have an average absenteeism rate of 2.8%, compared to 3.5% for companies without wellness programs.
  • Improved morale: Employees who feel valued by their employer are more likely to be happy and motivated at work. This can lead to increased morale and productivity. A study by the Gallup Organization found that companies with engaged employees have a 22% higher profit margin than companies with disengaged employees.
  • Attracted and retained top talent: Corporate health programs can be a valuable recruiting tool for employers. Employees are more likely to choose to work for a company that offers comprehensive health insurance benefits. A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 52% of employees would be more likely to accept a job offer if the company offered a wellness program.
  • Reduced liability: Corporate health programs can help to reduce liability for employers. This is because employers are less likely to be sued for workplace injuries or illnesses if their employees have access to quality healthcare. A study by the National Safety Council found that employers with wellness programs have a 30% lower workers? compensation claim rate than companies without wellness programs.

Overall, corporate health programs can offer a number of benefits for employers. These benefits can improve health, productivity, morale, and reputation.

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نعم. نحن نعمل على معظم الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية، وIOS وAndroid، وكذلك أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة. يجب عليك التأكد من معداتك معنا قبل اتخاذ قرار الشراء النهائي.
نحن نتحقق من صحة جميع قياساتنا بأعلى درجة من الدقة مقارنة بالأجهزة الطبية الخاضعة للرقابة. تشير النتائج إلى معدل دقة مرتفع جدًا - بشكل عام أعلى من معدل الأجهزة القابلة للارتداء.
بالطبع. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى نصيحة حول كيفية العمل مع SDK، أو كنت بحاجة إلى بيانات لاختبار التكامل، فما عليك سوى التواصل مع المستشار الخاص بك.
يتم تسجيل عمر المريض وطوله وجنسه لمساعدة الخوارزمية لدينا في حساب ضغط الدم الانقباضي والانبساطي بدقة.
مماثلة، ولكن ليس بالضبط نفس الشيء. يستخدم rPPG عمومًا البيانات المجمعة من وجهك، بينما يجمع PPG البيانات من إصبعك.
نشعر أن PPG يوفر المزيد من الأمان، وأقل تدخلاً، لأنه لا يتطلب مسحًا لوجهك. يواجه بعض الأشخاص صعوبة في تحديد إطار وجههم بشكل صحيح لـ rPPG.
ليس تمامًا، فأنت بحاجة إلى الاستمرار في استخدام هاتفك الذكي، وتحديد إطار وجهك بشكل صحيح، وتثبيت الهاتف أثناء عمليات المسح.
نأمل أن تفعل. اتصل بنا، ويمكننا مساعدتك بأي معلومات تحتاجها.

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أمريكا الشمالية: +1-307-278-9811

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حلولنا ليست بديلاً عن أخصائي الرعاية الصحية ولا تقوم حلولنا بتشخيص أو منع أو توفير أي علاج لأي شكل من أشكال المرض أو المرض.
